Breast Cancer

5 August, 2021

One of the most dangerous and devastating diseases affecting womankind is breast cancer. And, the goal of breast cancer treatment is to get rid of any cancerous cells. The recent advancements in the field of medical science have helped the best breast cancer doctors to treat the disease far more efficiently and effectively than before. The research undertaken in the field of telemedicine across the world has helped doctors provide better care to patients.

Medical care has evolved and changed over the years. One of the best innovations in the field of modern medicine is telemedicine. It provides better care to patients and physicians across the world. Here are the reasons why. 

  • Telemedicine is better than conventional medical care because it allows remote access to people and physicians who otherwise would be unreachable. 
  • It allows for better monitoring of patient data and treatment. Getting access to high-quality care has never been easier.
  • Telemedicine is a very affordable option.

What Is Telemedicine?

Telemedicine is useful for many people. Doctors can diagnose patients from a distance. Patients can access more affordable care, especially in rural areas where there are not enough doctors. It also allows patients in different locations to benefit from the expertise of specialists in other regions. For example, a cardiac specialist may be able to consult with a patient in the pulmonary services, even though they may never meet in person. Telemedicine is a relatively new field and it’s easy to see how much potential it has. It’s likely to go a very long way and progress even more than today.

Telemedicine for Breast Cancer Treatment

Telemedicine/Telehealth in medicine is the use of technology to bridge the gaps in healthcare. It can be as simple as providing a nurse with a tablet device or a computer to a doctor. Hospitals and healthcare organizations are beginning to implement telehealth as a way to reduce costs, improve health outcomes, and increase access to care. Telehealth can be used to determine what a person needs medically and assist in the diagnosis of conditions, such as strokes, that require an immediate evaluation of how quickly a person needs to be treated. 

Using telemedicine, an expert neurologist can guide a paramedic on-site while responding to an emergency call about a stroke. “Telemedicine saves lives” by mitigating the time between symptom onset and timely treatment. Having a doctor available in a minute can be a lifesaver and can help people handle their medical issues with less stress.

Cancer Treatment: Better, Faster, and Safer

There have been a lot of new and exciting developments in telemedicine lately. It’s a huge industry growing at a rapid rate, which will only continue as time goes on. Developments are being made in the realm of telemedicine that can change the world and how we live forever. There have been a lot of advancements in virtual surgery and remote assistance. Researchers are working on making developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) that will be able to diagnose patients faster and more accurately than any human. 

By using telemedicine at RGCIRC, doctors can better communicate with patients, who otherwise would be left out of many treatment options. There are many other examples of medical advancements that have improved the quality of life and survival rates of patients.

Advances in Technology Have Made Telemedicine More Accessible

Since the 1960s, technology has improved immensely. The rise of the internet has made telemedicine more accessible for patients and doctors. Telemedicine services now include video conferencing capabilities, remote monitoring, and even live video feeds from the hospital to patients’ homes and businesses! Telemedicine can be especially beneficial for patients and doctors who live in remote areas. No matter where you are, telemedicine services are available to you!

Cancer is something that is affecting more and more people each year. The good news is that people are working hard to find new ways to treat and diagnose cancer. And, as technology advances and telemedicine services become more accessible, new hope is brought to patients who suffer from breast cancer. The advancements in telemedicine have allowed doctors all over the world to perform expert work on breast cancer patients in need. In the near future, these services can be access by an increasing number of people with easy access to advancements in technology.

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Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre is today counted amongst Asia’s premier exclusive cancer centres that offer unique advantage of cutting edge technology, put to use by renowned super specialists. This potent combination of man and machine ensures world-class cancer care to not only patients from India, but also from the neighboring SAARC countries and others.

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