

Our principal strength in image guided interventions and ablative procedures is well recognized with large scale referrals coming from multiple hospitals and institutions in the country. We follow international safety guidelines for all such procedures. We like to explain the procedure to patients who need a biopsy or ablation. We consult other colleagues and believe in shared decision making. Most procedures are carried out on an outpatient basis and the patient stays in daycare for about 4 hours. Our yield rate for biopsies is in the range of 96% even in complex cases and difficult locations with low complication rates.

Ablative therapies at RGCIRC since 2001

Cryoablation, Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA) And Microwave Ablation (MWA)

Experts at RGCIRC have pioneered the technique of Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA) and Microwave ablation (MWA) to treat tumors. We were the first to introduce this revolutionary technology and so far, we have treated more than 1000 patients. RFA/MWA is an established treatment modality in cancer where thermal energy is used to kill cancerous tissue. It is a technique that causes cancer tissue death by a process of heating.

RFA/MWA has been specially used for liver cancer treatment. It is very successful in small primary liver cancers as well as metastatic liver cancers and is done with curative intent in a minimally invasive way. Expert team at RGCIRC has deployed this technique to treat primary and secondary lung tumors, bone tumors treatment, and small kidney tumors, and have had good success rates. Painful bony metastases can be treated, and bone strengthening can be done with cementoplasty in the same sitting.

Recently we have added the latest next generation Cyoablation facility in addition to MW and RF techniques.

Please consult your doctor to know if you will benefit from

Cryoablation/Radiofrequency ablation/Microwave ablation

Often ablative procedures are combined with chemotherapy/immunotherapy for better results. In many situations ablation is a minimally invasive alternative to surgery without the trauma and hospitalization. Sometimes your medical condition may not allow you to undergo surgery. In these circumstances, Cryo/RFA/MWA is an ideal technique. It requires hospitalization for a day and does not require general anaesthesia. The procedure can easily be done under conscious sedation or monitored anaesthesia. You will have to undergo some tests before the procedure and will be discharged the day after the procedure.

If you have a small liver cancer of less than 5cm in size or small metastases to the liver from colon, breast or other cancers you may well be a candidate for ablation therapy.

Breast Interventions

At RGCIRC we are fully equipped to provide you comprehensive breast diagnostic services. Our reports indicate the level of suspicion for cancer based on American College of Radiology BIRADS categories. Apart from the USG guided FNACs and Biopsies, stereotactic biopsy procedures and guided wire localizations are also performed. We would leave a marker at the site of biopsy for guiding future therapies.

In cases an abnormality is detected on MR Mammography, we also have state of the art MR Guided biopsy system.

We carry out Vacuum Assisted Breast Biopsy (VABB) wherever necessary in line with international guidelines. This adds to the accuracy of in reaching a conclusion.

Clinical Services

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Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre is today counted amongst Asia’s premier exclusive cancer centres that offer unique advantage of cutting edge technology, put to use by renowned super specialists. This potent combination of man and machine ensures world-class cancer care to not only patients from India, but also from the neighboring SAARC countries and others.

D - 18, Sector - 5, Rohini, Delhi - 110085 | +91-11-47022222
OPD Timings: 09:00 am to 05:00 pm (All weekdays except Sunday and Holiday)
Emergency Services: 24x7 All weekdays

Mahendra Kumar Jain Marg, Niti Bagh, New Delhi - 110049 | Tel: +91-11-45822222 / 2200
OPD Timings: 09:00 am to 05:00 pm (All Weekdays except Sunday and Holiday)
Emergency Services: 24x7 All Weekdays

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