Bone Cancer

10 February, 2022

Cancer could be an emotionally and physically exhausting disease. With a rapid transition in how we are living our lives, a terminal illness like cancer is only spreading much faster. However, advancements in science and technology have seen a breakthrough in patients recovering better and speedily. But for that, the right symptoms must be diagnosed at the right time with valuable insights on the disease and condition of the patient. 

There are several cancer types, and each of their progression and severity differs from one patient to another. But when it comes to Back Bone cancer, not every patient shows the same signs or symptoms. 

Sure, signs are common, but not all. It is a rare cancer type witnessed by 1 in 140 men or 1 in 180 women. Now, no matter how uncommon it might seem, getting more specificity would only help get better bone cancer treatment

What is Spinal Cancer?

Spinal Cancer occurs when a malignant tumor or mass develops inside the spinal canal or within the bones (vertebrae) of the spinal cord. There might be two ways a cancerous tumor might emerge in the spine; directly originating in the dura (thin Spinal Cord covering), or spreading from the other cancer site, eventually becoming a metastatic tumor affecting the spine. 

The main reason behind the growth of a cancerous tumor is uncontrollable cell growth. At times, the tumor in the spinal canal might not be malignant, but it could still result in disability. However, sources state that 90% of spinal cancer type is Vertebral tumor, a resultant factor of breast and Lung cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. 

Differentiating the Primary and Secondary Spinal Cancer Type

While we have discussed the two leading causes of Spinal cord or Back Bone Cancer before you start looking for a Cancer Research Institute for a potential treatment plan, the patient needs to discover whether they have Spinal Tumor or Vertebrae Tumor since both of them could have a different impact on people.

Spinal Cord Tumors

As mentioned before, these are the primary cancerous growth that directly occurs in the spinal canal. It is also termed an Intramedullary Tumor. Cancer tumors originating within the spinal cord could be metastatic, which means cancer cells spread from other body parts. 

Another type could be an Intradural Extramedullary tumor, where the cancer growth begins inside the covering of the spinal cord. This type of spinal tumor includes Meningioma or abnormal growth inside the cells. 


Vertebral Tumors

It is also known as Extradural Tumor that damages the outer protective tissue layer around the spine and influences the spine’s bone, making it pretty unstable. As the disease spreads more severely, it increases the possibility of fracture and loss of functioning. 

The Potential Signs and Symptoms of Spinal Cancer

Now that we have mentioned some of the possible types of cancerous growth in the spine, it is essential to discuss the symptoms in more detail so that when you go ahead with a Cancer Research Institute for a scheduled plan of treatment, it becomes easier to look at the chances of recovery. 

A terminal disease like Cancer requires hope and effective diagnosis to expect results as time passes by. 

Spinal Cancer will show different signs and symptoms based on what type of cancer is developing; Primary or Secondary (Metastatic). 

A patient with a history of breast cancer experiencing problems in their back or spine could have a possible reason to worry about a tumor in the spinal cord. 

As the tumor size increases, it begins to cause problems. However, the common symptoms tend to be pain and numbness.

Pain occurs when the tumor presses on a particular love in the spine. Moreover, if the cancer type is Vertebral Tumor, it sure does lead to instability, chances of practice, disability in the sitting posture, and hence a hunched back. So here are some of the most commonly experienced signs by patients of Spinal Cancer:

  • A tingling and numbing sensation in arms and legs
  • Difficulty in Urinating
  • Pain could stretch to hands and legs from the back.
  • Slow disability in walking/Inability to Walk
  • Weak Muscles
  • Chances of Paralysis
  • Inability to stand appropriately and while doing so might cause sharp pain too.
  • Severe impact on Kidneys would lead to losing the functioning of the Bladder.
Also Read: India: One of Best Cancer Treatment Destination

These symptoms might appear within a frame of a few hours, days, or months. Ensure you keep yourself well equipped with info before reaching any conclusion and talk with your oncologist accurately. 


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Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre is today counted amongst Asia’s premier exclusive cancer centres that offer unique advantage of cutting edge technology, put to use by renowned super specialists. This potent combination of man and machine ensures world-class cancer care to not only patients from India, but also from the neighboring SAARC countries and others.

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